Sunday, June 23, 2013

What the hell is wrong with people?

So, today, I got this message from a person I'd never spoken to, never heard of, who lives in another state, and I knew nothing about before this message....he wrote me a small novel on what a terrible human I am because the first line of my profile is

"DISCLAIMER: I'm not dating just to date anymore, and I'm not getting into a relationship with anyone who doesn't want marriage and kids in the near future." 

Apparently that translates to "I won't fuck you" in dick-inese

You know there are lots of profiles out there like yours. The first thing you all claim is you are not here for a hook up. Pardon my language but, what the fuck!? I'm tired of women saying that first thing in their profiles. There is no straight man on earth who doesn't want to have sex. That's just a dose of reality. And I know there are a lot of pricks out there who will lie and say they aren't out for sex, say something like they are looking for their soul mate. That is a bunch of bull shit. The only man your going to find that is willing to wait for marriage to have sex is the man who thinks the only way he can get sex is through marriage. I'm sorry but being dishonest is not in my nature and the worst part about it is I am punished for it because if your honest you don't get laid. Women are so retarded because they reward dishonesty and they punish honesty. If a guy is smooth and can appeal to your alls emotions then he is in there like swimwear but if a man is honest he gets kicked to the curb like a mutt. I don't know if women don't know or don't care that sex is a need for men. We get extremely depressed when we don't have a mate. We sit and think why aren't we good enough, our self esteem crashes, we feel miserable all day, and we watch couples and hope and pray we can find that special person to be intimate with. Just as much as you all need emotional support and attention we need someone to lie next to at night. And we're not dogs because of it either. It's so funny how women's sexuality is applauded in this country but men's is frowned upon. Most men don't want multiple women, most men don't want to screw women over, most men don't want to fuck and disappear, most men want a woman to come home to that loves him and wants to make love. And the other parts of a relationship are great too. Going to dinner, talking, holding hands, kissing, cuddling, but the sex is just as important. You may be wondering why I'm going off on you like this? Well, I'll tell you why. Usually I would try and come up with something witty to try and flirt with a pretty girl such as yourself hoping and praying that I could get the ground work started so I might build a relationship with you. But after 2 years of failing and feeling miserable and alone after failing I think I want to do something different. I'm sorry I'm taking it out on you but you are the straw that broke the camel's back, and I'm feeling a lot better after this rant. Fuck you, Fuck your stipulations, and Fuck your vagina that you are dangling in front of us like a carrot on a stick! I'm done. I'm just going to make money, become successful, and buy an Asian girl. I'll take care of her, she'll take care of me, we'll make babies together as nature intended it to be, and live happily ever after. If you have a son someday, that you'll love very much probably, I hope he has the same trouble with getting a woman to love him as I have had. Because then maybe you will understand how much pain your alls behavior causes. Good luck on finding a man you can pussy whip. Have a good life.

So....I reported him. And then I sent him this:

Umm...what the actual fuck? Why did you find the need to attack me for saying I wanted a relationship? NO WHERE on my profile does it say I DON'T want sex. I DO want sex. I don't want ONLY sex. 

I love sex. But attacking people for wanting a relationship not a meaningless hookup...that's not a good way to get sex. That's not a good way to get ANYTHING. And I don't really understand what you thought you accomplished by reading one thing on my profile, ASSUMING that it meant something it didn't, and then attacking me for it. 

And I don't know where you live that women's sexuality is applauded and men's is frowned upon, but ... where I live ... men are still high fived for "scoring" with a girl, but a woman is seen as a whore. I think it should be equal, honestly. I think if someone (man or woman) wants to have hookups, they should get to do that. I'm not their judge and jury. I just want something more than that. And I don't think I should be faulted for that any more than they should be faulted. 

I have NO desire to "pussy whip" anyone. And clearly you're miserable because you're a miserable person who spreads that misery around. And I don't think that buying a woman is really the answer to how to be loved and treated equally. So, just for the record, I copied everything you sent to me and sent it to okcupid to report you for harassment and misconduct. I feel as though you are potentially a danger to yourself or others and might want to someone. Because clearly if you are in such bad shape that you attack perfect strangers on the internet because of one line of their profile that you need professional help. And that's coming from someone who has sought professional help for my own issues. You will never find someone to love you if you can't love yourself, and through this message, it's quite clear that you don't love yourself. You hate yourself, and you're projecting that hatred to others

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