Sunday, June 23, 2013

Backhanded Compliments

So, I've been getting these messages lately that the guys sound like they're TRYING to be complimentary and failing. There's a compliment, and then there's a backhanded compliment. I think sometimes guys don't actually know the difference.

For instance...this sweet man was trying to tell me I was beautiful "just the way I was" which ... sounds like I think I have something to hide. Or implies that somehow I'm not.
I just wanted you to know that your very attractive. Now don't take this as just one of those messages that people and with no substance at all. I was looking at your pictures and noticed you actually blurred something under your eyes in a few pictures. I'm not trying to bust you out or anything but you do look very attractive. No need to even think someone would look at your pictures and find you anything other then stunning. Even if they did then that's good. No need to waste your time there. I just hope you know no matter what you corrected your beautiful. 

 I'm very attractive? Awesome. "I noticed you blurred something under your eyes in a few pictures." Ok, even if you NOTICED that, why would you point it out? Also one is not "a few."
Next "I'm not trying to bust you out" what the hell is 'bust you out'? I'm guessing you mean "bust" me not "bust me out" i'm not in prison. But thanks for trying. And now everything that says i'm pretty after that I stopped reading because you just said that I correct my pictures, and it's obvious. Even if you were saying I didn't NEED to, backhanded compliment.

You like look Pippi Longstocking and thats not a bad thing hun

What does that even mean? First she didn't just have ONE stocking, it's "Longstockings". TWO, what does that mean? That I look innocent? That I have freckles? That you think I have pigtails that stick out of my head? I will give you that I have freckles. And that I can look innocent. But the pigtails, not so much. "You look like an awkward ginger kid with pigtails, but that's a good thing!" / Backhanded Compliment.

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