Thursday, June 13, 2013


So I got off OKCupid a while ago because I was sick of the hypocrisy of people. Today...I remembered that's why I got off of it.

Someone whose screen name had a doctor who reference had viewed my profile, and because I am a huge Doctor Who fan, I looked at his profile. In his opener he states:
To be honest I have no illusions that I'll meet "the one" on here. Most people are way too conceited and shallow (I wonder why they're single?). If you can prove me wrong then by all means, say hello and let's see what we have in common :)

Halfway through he states:
I spend a lot of time thinking about
I need someone to help me understand how being slightly overweight is a crime. Keyword: slightly. Is it really going to kill you if a potential match isn't 110% fit? Jeez. Get over yourselves.
It's exactly that attitude that makes me strive to not only get in shape but also not be pretentious dick about it when I get there. Being fit doesn't make one better than others

Then, in his closer he says:

Finally, in regards to any potential interest... If you're full figured, I'm really sorry but I just can't do that. I've tried before and there's just no attraction.So I don't mind talking and making a new friend, but that's all I can offer

What the actual hell? Everyone is "too conceited and shallow" to have anything meaningful, but "if you're full figured, I can't do it." WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!?!

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