Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How not to attract a mate: photos edition!

So I've showed you some of the big no-nos of profile writing and correspondence. But, you ask, how important is my picture? VERY!

For instance if you've just moved boxes up stairs maybe wipe the sweat off your face before snapping a profile pic:

Nothing says "you're hott" like actually being hot an sweaty. 

Don't try to photoshop muscles on yourself unless you REALLY know what you're doing. 

Well, first and foremost the gratuitous shirt off, look at my abs in the bathroom mirror pic is a way to look like a real bro douche in the first place, but if you don't have that perfect six pack then DON'T PRETEND YOU DO!

Either he got a tan with a fence on him, or he tried to photoshop his mid section and failed leaving himself looking stripey and with an awkwardly, unnaturally smooth stomach above his navel. 

Finish chewing your food before you take your profile picture:

You may think the fact that you suck the head off a crawfish is the best way to attract a mate, but I have a secret for you....that's gross. Nobody wants to see food hanging out of your mouth! Chew that shit THEN take the picture.

Don't set your profile picture to anything that looks like blood droplets leading to you.

I'm sure those are rose petals, and i'm sure you think it's romantic...but at first glance, tell me you didn't see Dexter. Nothing says romance like the blood of the last girl I killed still on the floor!

Question: whose dating profile is this? Nobody freaking knows. 

Do not make a "group photo" your default photo (or worse yet ONLY photo). How the hell do I know who you are? I have seven choices here. Well, i'm going to GUESS six because I doubt the pregnant lady is on a dating site. But hey, i've been wrong before.

Surrounding yourself with women doesn't make you more appealing to them...

Also, just because you're the only male in the picture doesn't make it any less weird to have your default and only photo a group. Having a group of women surrounding you in your only photo makes you look either:
1. douchey
2. like you're trying too hard
3. like you think you're smoother than you are
4. like you were too lazy to just cut yourself out of that photo for your profile

I literally jumped when this came on my screen.
Also, for sites that auto-crop your photos for your display.....make sure you actually look at how they're positioned. Otherwise you can end up like this guy with the terrifying eyes of doom. Seriously, they're following me like the Mona Lisa's. 

Let's Revue:
To have a great profile picture that makes girls want to talk to you....
1. Show you have good hygiene
2. Don't do topless pics unless you have a REAL six pack.
3. Food in your mouth is not sexy
4. Clean up the blood before you take the picture.
5. Group photos are only ok as secondary pictures. Never as your default or only picture.
6. Check how it's cropped so you don't creep people out.

Got it? Good. Don't do that shit. Kthx. 

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