Thursday, June 13, 2013

How not to start your profile

First impressions matter. And the first line  of your dating profile says a lot about you. It oftentimes dictates whether or not I read past that line. A good picture and good, honest hook are vital to online dating. 

If your profile begins with:

"There's no way to describe me"
--I think you're a narcissist. 

-- you're crazy and a religious fanatic / in a cult. 

"Lemme get dat"
--I think you're from the ghetto, and no you cannot have this. 

"I'm polyamorous"
--you can't commit. 

"People always think I'm only nice to get in girls pants"
--well, I didn't think that until you suggested it. But now I do. 

These are some first liners that I've found endearing. Mostly because they're nerdy and so am I. Just remember like attracts like so if you want a nerd use a nerdy first line, if you want a bootycall then maybe "lemme get dat" is a good opener. 

"I'm tired of my princess always being in another castle"

"Looking for my companion"

And here are a few that while they weren't dazzling got to the point:

"Not looking for a hookup. Only those interested in a serious relationship need apply."

"A good man looking for a good woman."

"Southern gentleman looking for his southern belle"

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